The Mobile Homes teams up with Johan Renck on new single
The Mobile Homes releases, friday 5th, the new video single ”The Sorrow Stays for Good” from the upcoming album ”Trigger”. The music video features the Emmy- and Swedish Grammy-awarded director and musician Johan Renck on guest vocals and is the fifth and last single from the Swedes ahead of the album ”Trigger”, due to release on March 26 2021.
The Mobile Homes teams up with Johan Renck on new single
The Mobile Homes releases, friday 5th, the new video single ”The Sorrow Stays for Good” from the upcoming album ”Trigger”. The music video features the Emmy- and Swedish Grammy-awarded director and musician Johan Renck on guest vocals and is the fifth and last single from the Swedes ahead of the album ”Trigger”, due to release on March 26 2021.
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